An Apostolic Center for Kingdom Ministries

Prayer opens our eyes and ears to the heart of God. The second book of Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. If you need prayer, why wait to see what God will do in your situation. Contact any member of Life Unlimited and they will pray with you.
Children's Church
Children are at the heart of God. We have a staff dedicated to the spiritual growth of each child. Children's Church starts at 10:45 a.m. on Sunday after worship.
Contact: Lyn & Beth Domsten
Home Groups
Contact the church for more details
First Love Outreach
Please contact Tamee Argo for more information.
The Deborah Company
Women’s ministry designed to encourage women to become bold leaders; as Deborah was in the Bible.
Contact the church for more details
Band of Brothers
Men's Ministry that gives men an opportunity to grow through fellowship with other men and develop godly character.
Contact: Tim Mayfield
Our youth meet every Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. Our goal for youth is to develop their spiritual foundation to be able to stand up under the peer pressures, trial, and temptations of our society. A strong emphasis is on prayer, bible study for transformation, praise and worship, servant hood, and ministry.
Contact: Kris and Jeanette Bartley & Tim Mayfield
Praise and Worship
Contemporary Praise and Worship holds a high priority in our hearts. We have learned that powerful praise and worship totally frustrates the enemy as well as releasing the worshipper from problems and bondage's that have held them in captivity. Persons who play an instrument or who have the voices to sing with the praisers are invited to interview and audition with our worship leader.
Praise and Worship holds a high priority here at Life Unlimited and we seek to worship our God in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24). While our focus is to lavish Father with our love, affections, and gratitude, we also know that powerful praise and worship totally defeats the enemy which releases the worshipper from bondages and creates an atmosphere for healing. As with all of our ministry teams here at LU, if you feel led to share your gifts and be a part of this important ministry, please schedule a time to meet with the worship leader to discuss opportunities that may be available.
Our Dance Team was formed to further the Praise and Worship Experience. (Psalms 95:6; Psalms 35.18; Psalms 100:4). If you feel led to share your gifts and be a part of our Dance ministry, please schedule a time to meet with the Dance leader to discuss opportunities that may be available
Contact: Jeanette Bartley and Rosemary Cervantes