An Apostolic Center for Kingdom Ministries

Our vision is to see a revival atmosphere established that allows the Holy Spirit to fill the Permian Basin and make it God’s spiritual oasis.
Attain and maintain a supernatural move of God that expands God's Kingdom through His manifest presence.
Our first priority is to develop a system that encourages people to have an intimate relation with the Lord.
We create an atmosphere for people to abandon themselves to Him thought praise, worship, and prayer.
To develop strong disciples of Jesus Christ to carry on the works of Jesus, bringing healing and transformation to individuals and the Permian Basin.
To create an atmosphere of Honor, Love, and Respect within our programs and teach people to apply this atmosphere to their lives outside the church.
To create a safe environment, honor the uniqueness of the individual, yet uniting together for the cause of Christ
We demonstrate God's unconditional love and transforming power to our community.